Brecht Vroonen, Associate
In my daily practice, I deal with public law issues in a broad sense. I advise and supervise proceedings before the Constitutional Court, the Council of State and the ordinary courts and tribunals, among others.
During my studies, I quickly developed a strong interest in public law, and in both constitutional law and administrative law. Since September 2023, I have been working with great enthusiasm in Aurion's public law team. I handle files on division of powers, fundamental rights, anti-discrimination, the organisation and functioning of public legal persons, recognition, subsidies, education law, public procurement... In addition, I am attached to KU Leuven and UHasselt as a practice assistant in human rights and constitutional law.
B. VROONEN, “Glukhin v. Russia: Mass facial recognition technology (not) assessed under Article 8 ECHR”, Leuven Blog For Public Law, 5 december 2023,
B. VROONEN, “Tussen activistische rechter en tandeloze waakhond – Variërende toetsingsintensiteit in het persoons-gegevenscontentieux van het Grondwettelijk Hof”, Privacy & Informatie 2023, nr. 6, 232-243.
B. VROONEN, I. GOETELEN, S. QUAREM, “Nood aan spoedprocedure in het prejudiciële contentieux voor het Grondwettelijk Hof?”, TBP 2022, nr. 6, 368-374.